Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh Happy Day

Last night as we were praying before bed I asked Alison if she wanted to pray. She wanted me to pray and she repeated what I said. This is the first time she has seemed interested in praying. She has willinging held our hands as we pray for several months but didn't seem to understand what we were doing.

We went out to eat tonight and Lynn asked me to pray. And she said "I pray". Now she still wanted me to help her with the words but she wanted to be the one who prayed. Wow. That is awesome.

She is a television "alcoholic" and I pull her away as much as I can. At bedtime as she was getting ready for bed she says "I sleep in here"... meaning our bed. Well, of course because Lynn had the TV on. We went back to her room and she kept asking "I watch TV, little bit, please?" I told her Daddy was turning off the TV and where did she want to sleep? She says, "OH MAN".... and them "hummmmp". I left her room and went back to our room. She came in when she was in her PJs and climbed in our bed. She says, "I like this one." Lynn asked her to come to him and give him a hug which she did willingly. He said, "I love you". and she said "I love you".

OH MY. OH MY. OH MY. She knows hugging and she knows what I love you means and she never hugs dad and she never says I love you to anyone. What a break through.

Besides the lovey stuff. She is reading beginning reader books. She can sound out most words. She may not pronounce them correctly but she is making great strides.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Purple Princess is all smiles...

Here's our girl playing in her room instead of sleeping. With that smile, what is a mom to do?

We have had a wonderful week. I am just beside myself with happiness. Everyone who knows Alison and has worked with her during this time of adjustment is almost as happy as we are. But no one is as happy as she is.

The pictures above were taken in her bedroom one evening. She was so happy. She pulled all eight of her Barbie type dolls and put them all in bed with her. She then posed for some pictures. This is not a child who just likes her picture taken.

This week is the week that goes down as the most dramatic change in our home. It started slowly about a week ago. Alison started talking at home... in English and in Chinese. If she doesn't know the words in English she says it in Chinese and then fusses when we don't understand her. She just wants to be understood!

As we left Angie's one afternoon, she says "Angie.....Caleb.... Nolan.... Ethan". Oh my, I was elated. I had never heard her say their names, ever! And she said them all. Then she says, "daddy?" OHHHH Yes. Scott. She wanted to know what Scott's name was. What is the name of Caleb, Nolan and Ethan's daddy? Before I could pick my mouth up off the floor she continues... "Michelle..... Alyssa" (then she shrugs because Michelle is divorced and she doesn't see Alyssa's dad often). She continues, "Emilie, Maggie, Joseph..... Daniel ..... Hollie.... Tammie". I said don't forget Kyle (we saw him in Florida) and she didn't say Stephen but she hasn't seen him much. Then she says, "daddy"? Greg, his name is Greg. She put her whole family together. She knew who went with who and wanted to know the guys names. She also wanted to know what my name and Lynn's name were. Was I a proud momma. That is a lot of people to get straight.

Over the next week or so, the words kept coming, "what's that", "I want that one", "I don't know", "I hungry" and many others. This week at dinner one night she offered me a bite of somehthing and I just grunted. She looks at me and says, "Can you say no thank you?" Cough, choke, smile, "well, yes I can. No, Thank you." OH MY GOODNESS. Someone in the family might as well have manners.

Then Thursday at school, she opened up. I was hoping it was about time with all of the language we had at home but I never dreamed it would come so fast. Anyway, Alison has never spoken much at school. Well, except for the "no" to everything you ask her. Not now, she started talking to everyone. She talked to the kids and her teacher, Mrs. Lanham, and most of all to Jennifer. Jennifer is a little girl from China who speaks fluent Mandarin and they are in class together. Even Jennifer didn't get hardly any words from Alison even though they sit beside each other. I have talked to Jennifer and she thinks Alison doesn't like her. I tried to explain she was just shy. Now they are the chatter twins in their secret language that no one else understands. Now they are both happy.

Now if that isn't enough, it just gets better.

Thursday afternoon we have a break through and then Thursday night she had a school program where Alison's class was to sing and dance on stage. Of course she told her teacher NO but she did the practices for the program and we crossed our fingers. We were told the kids were to wear Sunday church clothes. Now that means a dress except this child has NEVER worn a dress. I failed on Easter to get a dress on her not once but twice. I tried last week to convince her to wear a dress and she pulled on the sweats. I failed. I was prepared for the fight (losing miserably) and the child being the only little princess up on stage in pants and a school shirt.

I kept putting it off. We had such a good day and now I was going to have to fight her over a dress. Anyway, I told her she needed to get ready for her program and she didn't get it (you know... sing... dance with your class). I said she needed to wear a dress to school to sing and dance and she said "NO". I told her that Jennifer is wearing a dress and we went to her room. I pulled out all four of her dresses. She said flat out no to the black/white polka dot and the red/white polka dots(ok, I got carried away with dots...but they are different and very cute and I bought them at different times and I forgot what I had at home). Well, again I got the big no. She did look at the purple flowered dress and the pink dress. She held each of them up and then chose the purple. SHE PUT ON A DRESS. SHE PUT ON A DRESS. We were in her room 5 minutes and she made a decision and put on a dress. Next, she got her panty hose out of the drawer and I helped her put them on. (I didn't even know she knew what they were.)

WOW. I was so happy to get a dress on her and then she surprised me again. She got a head band out of the drawer. Now that sounds so simple. She has NEVER put anything in her hair. EVER. Her adoption pictures showed her in a dress with her hair pulled back. I took hair things with me to China and nope she would have none of them except to fill her Barbie's heair with braid after braid. No matter what I bought for her hair, she would not wear it. You can imagine how surprised I was when she would not agree to wear a dress or put anything in her hair. If she hadn't opened up to Jennifer it would not have mattered what Jennifer was wearing! Thank you Jennifer!

She sang in her program and danced. She even smiled. Everyone told her how pretty she was. The school is a buzz with the rumor that she is talking.

On Friday, the words continued. She usually just swings during recess... all alone. Not now. She is playing with the other kids from her class. Can anything else change?

Oh, I forgot. She also learned to ride her bike on Wednesday. Ok, she rode it for blocks and then crashed into the garage door to stop but she is riding really well.

WHEW! She is trying to read. She is writing letters. She is understanding money and how much each coin is worth. She is playing more on Webkinz and making recipes for her pets.

Less you think it is all roses. She is controlling the TV. She gets mad when we don't let her watch what she wants. She hates her bike helmet and is ignoring us when we tell her to put it on. She pouts when you ask her to put up her own things. She is not going to sleep when put to bed. She gets up and plays and we put her back to bed several times.

But did I tell you she is calling us mommy and daddy? Well, throw the discipline problems out the window. We are giddy with joy. Our child can talk, ride a bike and she mostly likes us. What a week.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Break... what a break

There's nothing like a beach...

Look at that smile. We spent last week in Destin, FL on the beach. On this day, we were all a bit cold but Alison was "AT THE BEACH". She loved the beach but the pool is still number one. We had a great time in the warmer temps of Florida.

We had a heated pool and the beach. We played on the beach and then I would get this swimming motion and she would say "that one"... so off we went to the pool. She was in, under and trying to swim on-top of the water. We bought a noodle and she thinks the breast stroke works with a noodle. I kept showing her a regular straight leg kick but what do I know. If we had stayed one more week, she would have been swimming. Boy is she going to love having a pool in her own back yard. Bring on summer.

Every swimmer needs their pink goggles!

The Bass Pro Shop keeps the kids off the boats by having a very scary security shark.
You might think Alison is screaming with fright but she is actually showing her most fearsome face to scare that shark away. Alyssa looks like she loves this toothy guy but she said she thought he was scary because his head is up and it looks like he could eat you.

I was just glad that the girls didn't get swallowed by the shark... oh I know he isn't real. I was afraid all of the pulling, pushing and trying to pull his teeth would pull him from the supports holding him up!

We went out in the Gulf for a dolphin watch. Alison looked like captain material so she was allowed to try out the big chair. She looks very happy to be captain of a ship.

So lifeguard, shark bait or skipper?

Maybe she just wants to be a beach beauty.

She certainly has that title!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tears and Fears and Reconciliation

We are doing so well. Alison is so happy. Right now she is beside me humming as she waits for HS Musical Concert to start again. She is really trying to pronouce the words/songs. I am being induldgent hoping this will help her with English language.

But she has had a rough time. I wasn't home a week ago Thursday night to put her to bed. Friday morning she was up very early to see if I was in bed. She hasn't done that before. She is never up at 6 AM and she seldom comes in our room without an invitation and never when it is still dark. She climbed in bed with me and all seemed ok.

Friday afternoon was the first time that her sister or I had not picked her up from school. On this day she had to go to after school care and Dad was picking her up about two hours later. Alison melted into a puddle of tears. Her teacher was notified and she came to check on Alison. I guess there were such puppy eyes that Judy couldn't leave her behind. So Alison's teacher took her back to the classroom to wait for Dad to come get her. Alison was pretty anxious to get out of school and went with Lynn. She seemed fine but when they walked in the door at home, she burst into sobs.
When I got home about 40 minutes later, she was calm but before we left again to go eat she broke down and cried again. She was just so sad. She threw herself into my arms and cried. She was very sad all evening. When we got home from eating, I put her into our bed to watch a movie so we could all lay there together. At bedtime, she did not want to go to her room. She NEVER slept with us before. She not only slept with us Friday night but did so for the next three nights. She slept touching me each night. If I turned over and scooted her, she came right back and laid against me. Saturday and Sunday during the day she seemed ok but by nightfall, the sadness was back and she wanted to sleep with us again.

What did she think? Did she think we were not keeping her anymore? Did she think she was back in a school (orphanage)? Did she think she was being punished? I do not know. Maybe it was just something different that she couldn't handle not knowing what to expect. We may find out later but for now, we won't try that again.

That was last weekend. Monday things got back to normal with school and all. Monday night she slept in her room. She hasn't been as sad again.

Tuesday we went to High School Musical on Tour. OH MY GOODNESS. She didn't know we were going. Lynn brought her downtown with Michelle. Alyssa joined us and we ate before we went to the Murrat. When she saw the posters and we said we were there to see HSM, she just giggled and bounced. She sang and sang and sang. She played with Alyssa. She called to Alyssa, "come on Alyssa" several times. She was one happy girl.

I wish you all could see her now. Our shy, wall flower is acting out the songs and the story of HSM 2. She is singing all the songs. She is trying to do all of the motions and dance steps. She is taking all the best parts. Sometimes she is Gabriella and sometimes Sharpy. She is even Ryan now as she sings the songs while they are on the baseball field. She has Lynn dancing with her and he is Troy. She is jumping, kicking, throwing the ball and she just slid into home.

Now that is the fun stuff. Can I say stubborn?! She has four very pretty, new dresses. I knew it would take some effort to get her into one. I get the head shake and the hand saying no at the same time. I laid out a dress and panty hose on her bed this afternoon. I wanted her to get used to the idea. When she noticed the dress, she picked it up and carried it into my room. She was very animated as she pointed to the dress and then to herself shaking her head no and saying no at the same time. I got dressed and I put on panty hose and the whole bit. She didn't care. She wore her Chinese gotcha outfit (silk pants and shirt).

She has two new very distinct new words, "NO" and "Stop". She also will say "one more time", "sorry". She is drinking more water and lots of chocolate milk. She eats ham and turkey slices for breakfast, lunch and snack before dinner. She likes donuts and "peeps" but isn't really fond of chocolate eggs but likes M&Ms.

I guess she got tired of dancing. She did somersaults from the living room around the dining room, thru the sunroom and back into the living room. She turned on the light in the hallway and took Lynn in there to show him she can stand on her head against the wall. Now she singing (Gabriella) to Dad (Troy) which includes holding his hands. She is coming over to me and closing the computer so I will be Sharpy and say the words/lyrics (which I don't know that well).

Oh, I didn't tell you all about the dentist last week. She would NOT open her mouth. They have a basketball room that she kept going in shooting and running to tell me how many baskets she had made. I thought she was so comfortable that she would be fine but nope. They were only able to use her toothbrush to move over her teeth and try to see what might be going on. She liked putting the mirror in my mouth but we couldn't get it in hers. The doctor was able to see two abscessed teeth so she is going in next Thursday for extraction of at least two teeth but maybe four. She will be out and a deep cleaning will be done while she is under. She will be a wreck so I had better be prepared for the wrath of Alison.

So how do you balance the really good bonding with the attitude and demands? We are really trying to pick our battles. I guess a dress isn't worth a battle. She gets moody when we shop and she doesn't get everything she wants. She usually gets something. Today we were wrapping presents for the grandkids birthday and she understood the gifts were for others and seemed to accept that. There is a Sharpy doll that she has had her eyes on for sometime but it is for Alyssa. I had to put it up to keep her from taking it out of the box but she knows it is for Alyssa.

Well, that catches you up. We are going to Florida next weekend for spring break. A lot of new things to experience. It is very odd to have a child that has all of these experiences and talents that you know nothing about. Alyssa is coming with us. They play together so well.

She has become very affectionate but on her timing. Tonight at church I rubbed her back and I got the elbow and the shun. When she wants to be close, she is all over me. I believe we are close on her letting loose with words. She understands most everything. She is great at charades and I am too. I guess that is why we understand so much but now the words mean as much as the motions.

Tomorrow is Easter. The whole family will be here. The family dynamics at their finest. We will see how she is with all the kids together.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March & we have a new child

It seems every week, we see a major transition in Alison. Not that we don't recognize her anymore . She has a funny sense of humor and loves to tease. I love to hear her laugh. I love the look she gives me when Lynn teases her and she gives me that knowing smile... you know like we are in it together.

We are not watching the Chinese movies I bought in China. I picked up a bunch of movies and some have Cantonese and Mandarin as options plus other languages that I don't know what they are because I can't read what it says. Anyway, we haven't watched a movie in Chinese in about two weeks. Of course if you let her, the choice is always "High School Musical" now. We have been watching "Super Why" and "Ni Hao, Kai-lan" on TV after school. I tape them and we watch them when she gets home. She is really funny with Kai-lan, she says everything they say in Chinese. Lynn and I repeat the Chinese too and she giggles and shakes her head over our pronunciation.

I took her spelling words and looked them up on a website that teaches Mandarin. It is amazing when you see all the Chinese words for "left". I picked the one I thought was the most obvious for the sentence the teacher will use to ask the kids to spell the word. Anyway, I copied the Chinese characters and then the pinyin. So, three columns... spelling word.... Chinese character...pinyin. Maybe this isn't helping her but most spelling words are very abstract. I just wanted to give her something she could review as she writes her spelling words. In church, she wrote all three columns out and seemed to be reading the Chinese.

She has beautiful handwriting. I think at this point she is just trying to memorize everything. She knows the alphabet and can write it. She recognizes the letters and can pick them out on the computer keyboard as I tell her what to write. She loves crafts. She will draw and cut out just about anything. She is an audio learner. She loves to sing and it something is put to music, she is repeating it very quickly.

Alison was looking around my sewing room on Friday and was very excited to see a small set of tools in a drawer (I use them on my sewing machines). She tried to take something apart with a screwdriver but I asked her to put the screwdriver up. Well, on Sunday morning she had the screwdriver out and had taken her cheap music phone apart (it was working before she took it apart). She broke both wires so of course it isn't fixable. She was very sad that it was broken and Lynn couldn't easily fix it. She needs to learn that you don't take things apart. When we wonder where she is when she is out of our sight, either Lynn or I will make a comment about her upstairs taking apart my quilting machine. Now that would not be funny.

On Sunday, she got on her bicycle like she knew what she was doing. Well, she knows how to pedal and she knows how to fall off. She could go about 4-6 pedals of the bike and seem to "have it" and then fall over. We need to go to a large parking lot with no traffic to work on this again. Then later that day, she put on in-line skates. Again, she falls really good. She was very patient and wasn't afraid to fall and she would get up over and over to try it again. She finally got to a point where she wasn't doing too bad and could go a ways before she fell.

Alison is still so shy. She is making up with a few people but not many. She is also very stubborn and no, she is not talking. She is understanding but not speaking unless forced. We are gong on spring break with Michelle and Alyssa. I think that will be our major communication breakthrough. I think talking to Alyssa will become pretty natural once they are together for a week.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

And Then There Were Three...

Good news. Stephen went home from the hospital yesterday. I haven't written in so long. I was just a bit busy and can I admit a bit overwhelmed at times. I admit to napping each day to have an hour of regaining my resolve to do the dishes or fix the next meal. Now don't think I am complaining. Daniel and Joseph are the best prayers I know. The prayers of children are so sweet and to the point. You just know that God listens closely when they pray. Daniel (3) was getting so homesick. He is a bit of an imp and grins as he is telling you why he didn't do as you asked... oh man! Maggie HATES her medicine but by yesterday she was reminding me it was time for her medicine and has stopped saying in that sweet, sweet voice "but I don't like it". Emilie is the homemaker. She wants to help cook and even peels potatoes. She is very matter-of-fact as she tells what she had heard. She seems older than her 7 years. Hollie (14) is a funny kid. She is shy and reserved. They are each so special and so bonded to each other.

Alison really blossomed with Emilie and Maggie here. They girls raced from room to room and there were giggles galore. They all now share the love of "Highschool Musical". Alison now has a full grasp of Webkinz thanks to the girls. I started to call them cousins but they are nieces.

I took the kids home yesterday. Stephen was so excited to see them. You should have seen his eyes light up as he looked at his siblings. Then when they each hugged him, he just bounced on his mom's lap.

Tammie made Alison a plaque for her room. When Tammie was little, we should kiss daddy goodnight and I would carry her to bed. It started with her, being the oldest. I would pop around the corner and say "goodnight" and then disappear then come back and say "I love you" again go away and come back with "see you tomorrow". That was our bedtime saying every night. With three little girls, we had a chorus every night of "goodnight, I love you, see you tomorrow". She painted that on a plaque. Isn't that sweet????!!

On Saturday, we drove to Illinois to visit Jen. Jen was adopted from the same orphanage just a few weeks before we came to get Alison. We let the girls sit in a booth beside us. We had four grinning parents as these two girls chatted about their new life. Typical kids, there was teasing and some snatching of game pieces from each other. Jen is pretty well adjusted to her parents and seems to be bonding well. Alison was still pretty cool toward us. Alison watched the interaction between Jen and Kristy especially and we have seen a different child ever since that visit. We are going to let Jen and Alison call each other and we still hope to get them together when we can.

Alison is opening up. She was teasing with Dad on Sunday and he even coaxed her onto his shoulders. When it was bedtime, she tried to climb on his back so he did the piggyback ride to bed. I got a hug after school. I was in the kitchen and she came in to see what I was doing and she leaned into me and I gave her a big hug. She is mouthing more words and she is spending a good deal of time on This is a wonderful site to learn to read and you can go at your own speed.

We are having a lazy day today. Alison had a fever last night so she is home today. She slept in until about 9:30. I took the kids home and when I came home Lynn had her in his lap all cuddled. OHHHH. Today she got up and laid with me on the couch. Oh and she doesn't flinch when I touch her now. I can stroke her hair or her shoulder without her moving away. I check for a fever and she is fine with the touch.

OHHH we got our hair cut on Monday. I would say "cut hair" and do scissors with my hands and she would say no. I used the translator and said we are going to get you hair cut a LITTLE (fingers just barely apart showing her how much). And she said no. I told her we were going after school to get her hair cut and she said no. I told her to get her coat on we were getting her hair cut and she said no. When it was her turn to get into the chair for her haircut, she said no. I sat back down in the chair and pulled her (gently, no real drag on her part) into my lap and we trimmed her bangs and the rest of her hair. She is fine with her hair cut. She sat on my lap while mine was being cut and styled and she combed her hair. At times like this, she is like a small child. What was a haircut like in the orphanage? I don't think I will get so many "no's" next time. I have not held a child while I was getting my hair done but she just needed to be close to me. She is wanting more time on my lap and that is fine with me.

School is going ok. She doesn't mind going to school. She isn't afraid for me to leave her. She isn't participating a lot but is doing papers of math and writing. She has beautiful handwriting. She isn't talking to anyone at school, even the girl who speaks Mandarin. She is giving smiles now though, even at school. We are doing ok. She helps me decide what is going into her lunch and gets her coat and backpack on her own without asking. She isn't a morning person but she gets dressed without any coaxing. She isn't reluctant about going, so she must be ok with school.

I will post some pictures later. Just wanted to get caught up before I forgot all of the progress. Brenda

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

School Days...

Alison started school on Tuesday. I went in at lunch time to help her figure out the routine. I failed as a mother in packing her lunch. She hated everything... maybe it was nerves! She drank her juice and tasted a few things and that was it. I gave her a good snack when she got home.

We went through her school bag as she ate her snack. She did very well with writing her name. She did a whole 1-10 math book and showed me the note about school lunches. Today after school we did the same. I let Angie pick her up today and she came in and we "kind of" hugged... she got close to me and I hugged her. We went through her bag. she pulled out the homework (her Bible verse for this week). We will have to work on it after dinner because I know she can learn it. We had another snack after school and she is content.

She is planted in the recliner playing Spider Solitare. I waited until she won a game and asked if she was on my login and she shook her head no. I asked for the mouse and she handed it over and sure enough she was on her login. I have some kid sites bookmarked on my login so I need to write the addresses down (when I can get my computer back... it is in high demand). I am using Lynn's laptop right now.

We had her appointment with the international adoption/infectious disease clinic this morning at Riley Hospital for Children. We had two MDs in the room with her for about an hour. They each did a full examination and asked a bunch of questions. I decided to do a "titer" to see where she is in her amount of protection from immunizations instead of just re-immunizing her again. She got her TB-test and a blood draw (lots and lots of viles). She squirmed and she cried but she sat on my lap and was consolable. After the blood draw, she got to pick a toy. Like any kid, she throws her coat to me until it is time to go outside and then we put it on...although we had to take it off the good arm and put the stiff "bad" arm in first. By the end of school, she is using her arm just fine.

Alison has one open spot on her pinky at the web part as it connects to the hand. We are going to watch that spot. It is new and I suspect it is a crack due to dry skin but it could be scabies although she really doesn't show any other spots. Her skin has become drier as we have been home in the cold weather so they suggested vasoline rubs or any lotion without smell. She has a scar on her right ear drum and some wax build-up in her left and a small increase in lymph gland. They suggested a school hearing test and then do a more thorough one if anything is flagged. She has been sniffly but is better so the docs suggest we watch her for signs of a cold. She has one cavity and some placque. Her gums bleed sometimes when she brushes her teeth. My plan is to wait a few more weeks so she isn't just scared with a new procedure. The doctors say that is fine. Overall, a good checkup. She is at 2% for height (but on the chart) and just off the chart in weight at 48 pounds. We are going to encourage her to drink between meals because she isn't drinking much for her age. Alison has some marks on her face that the doctors think is recent because it is light in color. Darker skinned people have an initial healing mark that is light in color, then darker and then back to normal. Because these marks are light, they believe them to be more recent. Nothing was mentioned about her having a recent problem. That is a question I will ask when we have dinner with a friend who speaks Cantoneze.

Lynn and I are very pleased with her progress. She understood all of the instructions the doctors gave her today. She is able to convey her likes and dislikes easily. We are using the translator more to tell her what is happening... like "We are going to the doctor this morning and then I will take you to school." She is not a morning person but will get up and get ready for school and eat breakfast.

She likes oatmeal, cold cereal and sausage/egg croissants. Breakfast is our easiest meal. We had green beans and salmon patties for dinner last night and she had seconds of those things but not the potatoes. She does not like flavored yogurt, cheese or cottage cheese.

We were coming to her school as lunch was about over so I stopped and got her chicken nuggets and fries w/ Sprite at a drive-thru. She ate while I drove the last 4 miles to school. She did fine. Here I am feeding a child who has gotten car sick 3 times in the past 10 days junk food as we drive. But, today she was fine. We saved the Sprite until we stopped. Our timing was perfect. We were in her classroom about 5 mintues before the kids returned. She was just fine staying at school.

So how long does the honeymoon last? She has been an angel and so compliant and easy. She is sharing her time and space with her younger nieces and nephews (well, except for Hollie who is 14). There are 6 children in the house right now. We are doing very well. Bedtime is a bit crazy and no one is going to bed early...although I try. Stephen is still at Riley and continues on a vent. We pray for him everyday. Children are the best prayers. I wonder what she thinks life is going to be like? Does she realize the kids are just visitors or does she think this is life at our house. I will have to tell her in the translator. We are planning Friday night to be just us. I think she needs some time with Mom and Dad. Of course the kids will be back by bedtime but that will be ok. Life is good right now.

I am so excited that two of her friends are being picked up in China this week. I will add one of their blogs as a link today. We really want to keep the girls in touch. We are doing so well. I do want to keep the link to her past as well as provide a good future for her. We are so happy to have her. God is so good. Brenda

Monday, February 18, 2008


Here are a few pictures of Alison over the last few days.

Alison and Emilie on the computer:

Talking on the phone with her friend. I am sure they were comparing notes on their new families and homes:

Nieces and nephews (Daniel, Ethan, Alison, Joseph, Emilie, Emilie, Alyssa, Calab and Ethan.

Alison at school for Valentine's Day party:

Lunch with sister Angie and Ethan:

Alison and Emilie enjoying food and a Red Envelope at Chinese New Year party:


Saturday, February 16, 2008

McDonalds Times Two but VERY DIFFERENT

On Monday, I thought it would be good to get Alison out of the house so I called Angie and we took Alison and Nolan to McDonalds. She sat and barely watched Nolan and the other kids in the playscape. Tonight after church, Alison sat at a table with Emilie and ate. As soon as everyone was done, ALL of the kids (Alison at a dead run) headed for the playscape. Lynn hurried in after them and he saw Alison in one of the bubbles looking out at him. She smiled really big and waved. I was a little slower getting in there but I too got the full face smile and a big wave. Wow. McDonalds just five days later is a much different place.

We have four of Tammie's kids still. Stephen is now in Riley and is still having breathing problems. The prayers his siblings say are just so sweet and so spiritual. They are doing great here but miss their parents and Stephen a lot. On the good side though, Alison is thriving having them here. We went to Alyssa's basketball game today. Emilie asked if she could take some pictures so I handed over the camera. Alison took it all in as she watched how Emilie took pictures. They giggled as the pictures were snapped of funny faces or people not aware. Alison is truly as sponge taking every new experience in. We were also quite the parade as we walked to the restroom... of course they all had to go. Alison and Emilie are the "big kids" and are leading the way for the younger.

Lynn took Emilie and Alison to a Chinese New Year celebration in Mooresville today. I guess Alison wasn't going to "talk" to any of the kids there. She liked the food pretty well but wasn't social... her usual very quiet. At home here, Alison has taught Emilie how to play Spidar Solitare on the computer. Maggie, Emilie and Alison are each taking turns figuring out how to use the Webkinz site. Alison has three pets but only one adopted at this time. Alison likes to buy furniture and such for her rooms. I haven't looked to see how much money she has left. I have been playing on her account for weeks building up cash for her. The three of them have all been playing games but probably not making much money. If it were up to the girls, they would watch "Highschool Musical" all day and play computer games at the same time.

I finally cleaned up the house enough to be prepared to give the kids their gifts from China. I had all of them come over this afternoon and they each got a T-Shirt and a toy of some kind. I know, I need to post pictures. Maybe Lynn can do that tomorrow. I am just a little busy with all these kids running around. I gave Alison a T-Shirt and a fan (like the other girls). I asked all the kids to put on their shirts and helped the boys change into theirs. I wanted to take pictures of them all together (well, Hollie and Kyle aren't here). Well, next thing I know, Alison is putting her shirt on as well. Tell me she doesn't understand!!!

We all went to church tonight. Tammie's kids don't have children's church where they go. The kids stay with the parents. So normally I do the same when they are with us. But since the other grandkids were going to church they had someone to go with. So Alyssa and Nolan had Maggie & Joseph in their class. Then Ethan had Emilie & Alison. Because Daniel didn't have a buddy, he came to church with us. The kids loved their classes. Emilie was quick to report that Alison said her name when asked and said she was 9. Let me say that again...
"What is your name"? Alison's answer, "Alison".
"How old are you?" Alison's answer, "Nine".

Emilie comes and tells us everytime Alison says anything. So, we know that Alison is singing some of the songs to "Highschool Musical". She has said, "Ni Hao, Hi, Yeah, Bye-Bye" just to name a few phrases.

Wow, what a day. The kids all get along so well. We are so blessed. We need to get the 'E' kids over their colds. Stephen needs to get better. We have several days now to get some routine going and get everyone healthy so the 'E's can get back to their home where they all want to be. If you read this, keep Stephen in your prayers. He is having such a tough time breathing and he is so tired. God, please bring your healing hand upon Stephen, Daniel, Joseph, Maggie & Emilie. Brenda

Thursday, February 14, 2008

First Day at School

When Alison got up this morning, I got the translator and told her we were going to school today for a "heart" party...Valentine Party. We were going to take the cards she made and give them to her new friends at school. We walked into class just before the party. She was a little hesitant but I went with her to her new desk. At first, she didn't want to put her cards into the childrens' bags but I showed her what to do and then handed them to her and she did them. Then about halfway through, she took the rest of the cards and gave one to each child.

She has a personal translator, besides an electronic one.... Jennifer. Jennifer is her translator in the class. Her parents are from Taiwan and she speaks Mandarin (which Alison understands). WOW! What a God thing. Jennifer asked me why Alison was mad and I explained that she was frightened and could not understand our English words. Jennifer asked where her parents are and I tried to explain an orphan to a 7 year old. Jennifer kept saying over and over, "that is so sad". But, I told Jennifer that I am Alison's mom now and we are going to love and take care of her forever. Jennifer's big eyes showed her compassion for a little girl to grow from a baby to a nine year old without a mom or dad and to live each day in a school.

Then we went to computer class. Alison joined the group and walked to class and sat at the computer. I was in the room but across from her and basically out of sight unless she stood up. This child did great. She watched the other kids and did what they did. She is happy with her new desk which has her name on it (she traced her finger over her name). We have two hours under our belt and the next step is to see how she does on Tuesday when she will go probably all day.

School was only half day so close to the end we ran over to see Alyssa. Alyssa is so good with Alison. She introduces her to her friends and tells them that Alison is from China. Alyssa went home with Mark. We met up with the Thomsons and went to Roscos Tacos.

Let's talk about food for a moment. In China, she was pretty predictable with her fried noodles and fried rice although we did get her to branch out to french fries and a hamburger. Since we have been home, she has had pancakes, stir-fry w/ rice (ok, that was a given), oatmeal w/ dinosaur eggs (a winner...every drop eaten), pop tarts (my kind of girl), peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti, hot dogs w/ chili, chicken nuggets, sausage burrito and now loaded nachos... all were a hit. If I had to pick a favorite, it is still french fries but the burrito and nachos are close. Even the pancakes and oatmeal seemed to rate well. She doesn't eat a lot but she eats. She like grapes but not bananas. And my all time favorite, roast, potatoes and carrots got barely a nibble... failed on this one. She likes chocolate milk, Sprite, and orange soda. She drinks milk but not much. She really isn't a big drinker. I bet she doesn't drink 10 ounces in a whole day. We will have to work on this.

The "Highschool Musical" CD was being played a lot when we were home today. The volume somehow kept creeping louder and louder. I would go in and tell her to turn in down and the next song it is loud again. No, we haven't had her hearing checked and we will but do you really think this isn't absolutely normal? I put the CD player on the top of her desk (she has a roll top so it has a high top shelf) thinking she would put a tape in and play in her room. OH NO. She puts the tape in while standing on the chair and stands (rocking to the music) the whole time the CD is playing. Lynn suggests I find a place lower to put the CD player. I guess I should. But maybe the chair is her stage?!

Tammie called this afternoon to say Stephen is going back in the hospital with pneumonia so I offered to come get the kids. I gave Alison a half Dramamine on the way out and she was fine. We were there about 20 minutes and then drove back. It is about 30 minutes each way. Well, she didn't make it. She got sick in the car. But, can I digress a bit... she is a great "puker". Sorry! But this is a very important trait that a mother loves.... she hit the bag, kept it contained and handed it to me when we got home. I really appreciate that.

We took the kids to Bob Evans tonight. The kids each got the kid menu and ordered their food. Alison sat across from me with Emilie and Maggie. Emilie is so sweet with her. Emilie is such a little helper. Anyway, the kids were all coloring and Emilie says, "Grandma, she wrote her name." Alison had folded up her menu by this time so I asked her for it. At first she was hesitant and then she gave it to me. She is a very good at coloring but on one of the pictures she wrote "Alion". OH, MY BABY WROTE HER NAME! OK, I know, she is missing the "S" but you are missing the point of this story.... SHE WROTE HER NAME. I have written it for her several times but she doesn't seem to be paying attention. She was fingering her name on her desk today and I know she recognizes it. I am saving that picture. The first day of school AND she wrote her name.

Alison fell asleep on the couch tonight while Daniel, Joseph, Maggie and Emilie watched a movie. Emilie asked me what Alison's favorite movie is and I told her "Little Mermaid" so that is what they decided they wanted to watch. They have never watched that movie before because it is scary but they watched it all the way through and we just talked though the bad parts with the sea witch and her evil ways. Emilie offered to watch it in Mandarin after they watched it in English so Alison would enjoy it more....ahhhhh! It was 9:30 and time to get these kiddos to bed. Alison, the sombe, was easiest to get to bed. I walked her in there and handed her pj's and she gets in them without fuss. May not always be the case because the other room was filled with the whispers of little voices doing everything but sleeping. I finally had to bring Daniel out in the living room with me so the others could go to sleep.

What Alison must be thinking! What is the family thing all about? Kids coming and going all the time. Everyday it is the boys dropping in/out, Alyssa drops in on some days and now these kids come and spend the night. Lynn has come home and gone to bed very early with his cold ailments. My cough is much better but I wear out easily and I admit to laying on the couch quite a bit this week. And it looks like we live in a hotel. I still have suitcases out in the kitchen (empty but out). All of the souveneirs are out all over the kitchen table. The kitchen counter has things not put away from the trip, dirty dishes, and mail all thrown together. This morning I couldn't find my keys and I was in a panic as to which pile they might have fallen in. At least we live across from the school, we could have walked if we had to.

This has not been a typical week but I am not sure that one of those will exist again for about 10 years or longer. This week has been chaos but happy chaos. We have been sick but content. Alison is so much the trooper. If we want to go, she goes. If we insist, she gives in (except for that dress). What courage God has given this child. What strength! She looks so fragile and tiny but there is a mighty spirit contained in that small frame. We don't know what she is thinking. But she faces each day with courage and expectation that it will be better than her past. We, who know the Lord, know the peace that passes all understanding. We are to come to God like a child. Be child-like in your faith. She believes and trusts so freely. She has faith that we will be good to her. May I never fail my Lord and I have no fear of failing her. Another good day.... Brenda

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chinese Valentines???

What a day! We went to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast (free entree for each person thru March). Alison ate every bit of her breakfast burrito. She watches how we eat everything. I unwraped my burrito from the foil and held it in my hand. She started out just peeling back the wrapper but changed to eat hers like I was eating mine. Such influence.

I had some returns to make. This child didn't like the coat I picked out for her in December. So we made a trip to the mall for t-shirts and whatever. We did Gap for Kids, The Children's Place and the Disney store. Alison is a foo-foo girl which I love. Everything is pink! I tried my best to get her to let me buy a dress for her but she did the adamant head shake (NO) everytime. Now, does that mean she hates dresses or she thinks if she buys a dress she has to wear it in these termperatures? I hope the latter.

Disney was so fun. She is very good at spotting "Little Mermaid" stuff. I bought an Ariel t-shirt, a "Little Mermaid" set of figures, and a Barbie w/ a pony and both have long hair to braid. Well, there was that Ariel hat she wanted. And I believe we picked up a "High School Musical" CD... well, maybe two of them. I did say no to something but I don't remember what. I was just spending the gift money I had been given for her! Afterall, that is what a mom is to do.

We stopped by work. She was very quiet but not frightened. Maybe a little bored. But, I bought her a Sprite on our way out... ok, I was thirsty so I endulged her as well. It was a little late and we hadn't had lunch yet.

On to school shopping. Meijer was our next stop. Folders, crayons, pencils, markers, what fun, what fun. I can't remember any extras in this store. I held my ground but there are the 3 bags of things we hauled out of the mall.

We had to decorate a Valentine box tonight. I had Dad wrap a shoe box in beautiful wrapping paper and she put the heart stickers al over the lid. Alison wrote her name in Chinese on each of the Valentines. I didn't know how many to buy so we have 24. She signed her name like she was some kind of a star. I will add a picture tomorrow. We are going to her class party tomorrow. Her first day (half-day) at school and it's a party day! Her first day is next Tuesday.

She was quite the champ today. The whole day got away from me. I didn't feed this child until 3:00 and then I picked up chicken nuggets and fries. The Dramamine worked that I gave her at the beginning of our long day. She finished the food after we got home but she had half of it eaten in the car. She is a little work horse. She lugged all of those packages out of the back seat and carried them inside. She signed her name over and over and helped me stuff the envelopes. She decorated the Valentine box even though she wanted to play with her new toys.

We watched "Highschool Musical" on Friday with the Thomsons (Caleb, Ethan, Nolan). Then we watched "Highschool Musical II" on Sunday. She wanted to watch it again last night. Then today we bought the CD. I put a CD player in her room and as I walked by her room a couple of times, I saw her dancing a little to the music. She is opening up.

I have to be careful. I don't want this to be a "Santa" relationship. But I love buying her things. I have to have some restraint. I just feel she has done without so long that I enjoy giving her things. How much is too much? Well, we have enough for awhile. School starts next week and that will take a great deal of her time and mine. So much is going on in that little mind. She is so obedient and so patient and yet you know she doesn't understand. She just trusts that she is in a good place and we will take care of her. You know every child thinks that. That is a heavy burden. We all need to take this responsibility so seriously. They trust so totally. Her well being is in our hands. I am responsible to God for how well I meet this responsibility. I am glad I said yes. Alison is so sweet and so trusting. I am so proud of this brave, trusting soul..... Brenda

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Anyone for Little Mermaid

Everyday is getting better. We have smiles everyday now. We still have no words though. Well, except for tlast night. Last night we called one of the girls from her orphanage who was adopted last month (Jen) and these girls had a little trouble getting started but once they did it was a 40 minute marathon. Jen would say "hello" and of course Alison wouldn't respond so Jen thought no one was on the phone. Finally, I pulled up Jen's blog and kept telling Alison that it was Hai Zhen and then they made the connection. I loved watching the girls talk to each other. It was so animated and got kind of loud at times. You have to wonder what these two were discussing!!!???? I wanted Lynn to tape the whole thing and then we could get a translation. But, he didn't. I guess that is a bit invasive. We will have a chatterbox in the house before too long!

We met with her teacher yesterday. With her age, we thought she was in third grade but she says she was in second. Our goal this semester is to get a good language foundation with phonics so she can read well. We aren't concerned with grades this semester. We are putting her in our church's grade school. Because we thought she was in third grade, we had been discussing third grade. We were going to leave her in third grade but with the expectation that she will repeat third grade next year. But after looking at our options, we are moving her back to second grade. She will be in a class with another Asian girl who is fluent in Mandarin & how did that happen? God only knows . While Mandarin isn't her first language, Alison should be able to communicate with this girl. Anyway, school starts next week. I think we are both ready.

She can copy English words and type them into the translator and then see what they mean in Mandarin. She did that a couple of times today. I think she will get more inquisitive and do this more often. She understands more and more each day. She also is more comfortable with us and the kids. Seems everyday someone is over for at least a short time.

Anyway, good news on this side. brenda

Friday, February 8, 2008

What's been happening here besides sleeping....

Today is Friday. Alison and I got up very early this morning. Lynn and I both have developed a bad cold. Alison continues with her sniffly nose. I was running a bit of a fever today so when Lynn got up, I went back to bed. I guess he and Alison napped while watching TV. When I got up about 1:30, Alison had just moved to her bed. She was sleeping soundly when I saw her. I think we still have our bodies on China time. We need to get this moved around. Yesterday we did very well with no naps and up all day but today with the colds, we all are sleeping day and night.

We had lunch about 3:00 and I decided we need to get this child out of the house to wake her up some. We ran errands to Plainfield. I had not been in the "Justice" shop for girls. Well, we are looking around and getting ready to check out and Alison looks real dazed and then throws-up on the floor (so much for lunch). We were told she gets car sick and we had only one episode while in China so I was a little surprised. But, our car sits her so low in the back seat that she only feels the motion and she can't see out. On the way back I had her sit in a booster seat but she still got sick some more. Poor thing. I think we will take my Trailblazer and see if that makes a difference. What will we do if this doesn't get better? I will have to go pick up the sea bands and see if they help her.

She is right at home now. She continues to figure out how things work here. She was running the DVD player yesterday and turned our TV on when we were in the other room. She is the most fastidious toothbrusher and hand washer I have ever seen. She has a whole routine with her toothbrush with a cup and swishing water in her mouth. I am showing her what goes in the fridge and the dish washer and hoping she can pick that up pretty quick. She needs to feel part of the family and not a guest.

Yesterday she was running up and down stairs and checking out all the doors in the house. She is playing with Nikki all the time and still talks to Nikki and not us. We used the translator this morning and she seemed more at ease with it and seemed to understand what I said. I plan on using it more and more. All morning she had a smile on her face.

So, I decided to go to McDonalds. She has been to McDonalds at least once in China. I called Angie and asked if she and Nolan wanted to go with us, which they did. Alison ate her lunch but would have nothing to do with the play area. She watched Nolan run around and she smiled occasionally but wouldn't budge from my side. I will say the place was packed. Another time. I just want her to get used to going out and testing her comfort while we are still with her. I especially want her to get comfortable with the grandkids. I want to get out to Tammie's in the next few days but we need to get over these colds first before we get around Stephen.

Alison is doing well. She is very animated and hardly sits still when she is more herself. But, I don't think we have seen but glimpses of her personality. She is very compliant but she makes her wishes known. She is picky about her clothes and she loves pink. She is trying new food and is eating ok. She had cereal for breakfast. Meal times have not been a problem but then we have only had a few meals here at home. We are dong fine right now. I am very encouraged and am trying to stay patient. I just want her to talk. So, how long before I wish she could be quiet for 5 minutes?

So that answer is not much is going on here besides sleeping... Brenda

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Four Daughters

I am very proud to present the first pictures of my four daughters. The all came to the airport to welcome Alison into the family. Our dear friend Sam and her adopted daughter came as well.

I can't tell you how proud I was to see all of my daughters there to greet Alison. I think Alison was overwhelmed. But that is what family is all about. She has responded quite well and I think is seeing what being a part of my family means.

The VERY proud father of my four daughters,

Day One Begins Early

I woke at 5:00. By 6:00, I heard stirrings in Alison's room. She slept in her full size bed with the door closed with no issues. Well, she got up and closed her door. We compromised and almost closed it but left our door open in case she woke crying or something. That didn't happen...she loves her room. I bought a dresser/armoir with a mirror on the front last year before I even knew for sure we were adopting. She got dressed this morning and did just a bit of primping in the mirror. It is just the right height for her. Something to think about...I don't think these girls often see themselves in a mirror. I wish I could say I bought this dresser for the mirror but I didn't and she probably wouldn't have a mirror in her room if it hadn't been for that.

Alison was so frightened of our dog, Nikki, when they met last night. Nikki thinks she is the greeting machine and is quite wired when anyone first arrives. For the first hour or so, everytime Nikki came close to Alison, she got behind me. This morning Nikki is at Alison's feet and she is petting her. I think these two are going to be fast friends.

Alison thinks she is still in a cold environment. She put on a fleece outfit today with a t-shirt, fleece shirt and a light jacket. She loves her new clothes. I showed her a Disney watch a friend bought for her and she wanted it on this morning. I am not sure if she can tell time but she likes the watch. I had sissors in her desk and then carried them to the kitchen last night. As we were trying to get the watch out of the box, I told her we needed sissors and we looked in her desk drawer and we both headed for the kitchen. She is tracking just still not talking excpet now to Nikki. Alison is quietly talking to Nikki as she pets her.

This is like a fun park discovering new things. Alison had rasin cereal for breakfast. She ate every bite. I showed her where the glasses, plates and silverware are and she nodded that she understood. We have a few food habits to break. She is a junk food junky. After her cereal she had Skittles. I know, I know.

David, our guide in China, said the average apartment in China is about 500 square feet. That is the size of my upstairs bonus room. We have so much. Alison has parents, sisters, aunts & uncles (ok peers, her age), a school and a church. She has her own things. She came to us with nothing personal of her own. She had no books, no dolls, no toys, nothing to call her own. She has her memories and whatever heritage she can hold on to from her past. She is the bravest girl I know (you may have a brave one in your home too). I have been paralyzed by fear of doing silly things, like going someplace by myself or talking in public and she leaves everything she knows and goes with total strangers who can't talk to her. And she did so with only one melt down and minimal tears. She has traveled half way around the world and has endured untold hours of boredom and exhaustion and has not complained.

The heart of an orphan yearns for a family and they will risk it all to be loved. It makes me cry and humbled to have the opportunity of giving this to her. I love and admire my bio kids. I love my grandkids to pieces. And I love my little China girl who appears so fragile but is so brave and strong. Brenda

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Wow, we are home. Alison is in her room playing. She is opening drawers, doors and just getting acquainted with her new surroundings. Today at the airport we got out her photo album that I sent to her in her care package that was sent several weeks before we left for China. In the photos I had family pictures and some pictures of her room. We went through identifying who is who in our family. Tonight was so fun. She walked through the house looking at rooms that she has only seen in pictures. She spotted her sisters as we came down the escalator!

We left Guangzhou late this moring so we missed our connection in Tokyo. But we were able to catch a Detroit flight instead of Minneapolis. We arrived in plenty of time to catch the flight to Indianapolis but due to mechanical review that flight was delayed. So, they sent us to gate 45 and after we got there it was discovered this flight also had a mechanical delay then down to gate 15 and we finally left. We were several hours late.

Tonight ...It was so fun... I asked that all the grandkids not come to the airport. I thought that would be overwhelming for Alison and I was probably right. But, Tammie, Angie and Michelle came and that was just perfect. Sam and Annie Reed also were there and I am so encouraged by that as well. I hope Annie and Alison will be good friends. It is so amazing to see how well Annie is doing and she has only been here since May and is 10. Someday Alison will know how special to be greeted at the airport by another 10 year old orphan who knows what she will go through. It means so much to me for the girls acceptance of Alison and that was apparent as well. We are so blessed.

The kids were all waiting at Angie's house. Everyone was great. I am so proud of my girls and how compassionately they have raised their children. I think Alison felt welcomed and she knows she has people in her life now. As the time went by, she became more and more calm and less anxious. Actually, the most anxiety was because of our dog, Nikki. But even now she is petting her some and Alison was actually talking to Nikki in the car as we came back home from Angie's.

It is so good to be home. I will write more tomorrow. I will catch you up on the zoo and our last day. Oh, we got some smiles today and our daughter is a trooper of a traveler. Twenty-two travel hours and not one whine or melt down. She napped, watched movies and people watched. How anxious she must have been! How brave these little orphans are! Brenda

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Last Day in Guangzhou

Our last day in Guangzhou included a trip to the zoo. In spite of the occasional showers we enjoyed having the zoo all to ourselves.

Monday, February 4, 2008

More Pictures

More pictures from the last few days. The first is one of the few smiles I have caught on camers. She lights up when she smiles. It warms my heart. Hopefully in a short time the smiles will be the norm, not the sneaked exception.
Of course I had to have a picture of Alison and I together on the top of the boat Brenda talked about. Alison loved it but it was very cold in the wind.
Next we step back to the medical clinic and the Shamian Christian Church.
Then is Alison and her 4 dolls. I've never seen so many hair pieces in little dolls in my life.
Finally, back to the boat--a picture of Alison and Brenda and one of many pictures of Alison watching out the window.
Like Brenda said, yes, I would adopt again if we had been called to this younger. Every time I try to think about this whole thing logically I say this is crazy. That doesn't mean I am not whole heartedly committed to raising Alison as my own. What the head says isn't always the right thing. When I look at Alison, I know it is right. I think this is a guy thing mostly. We have to think about and worry about providing and all that. But when all that is put behind the smile puts everything back in perspective. God is good.

It is Finished... We can come home now...

We went to the US Consulate and did our oath and got our paperwork that will get Alison into the US. If we had a flight, we could leave now. The room was pretty full with new families. Children of all ages now matched with parents who will love and care for them. It just brings tears to your eyes to see the happiness in one place. What was once a bleak future for these children has turned into a world of opportunity. What was once loveless has turned into a loving family.

For Alison, today was coloring and more Barbies. It is so fun to see what Alison will play with. She colored like mad the first thing this morning and then every time we have been in the room since she has been consumed with doing her dolls hair and changing their clothes. Well, there was that green blob while we were out too. She put that in her drawer and got right back to the Barbies.

Alison likes her space. She plays on her bed. She likes having a drawer in the night stand and our room has open shelving between the bedroom and the sitting area. We have her things (books mostly) arranged on the shelves. It is like she has her own little piece of the world. That is where she spends 90+% of her time.If coaxed, she will lie on the end of our bed to watch a movie but her bed is the haven. She is very neat and puts away her things when she is done playing. I hope she does't lose that habit and take after her mother by leaving things out.

We had our boat cruise on the Pearl River tonight. We were in a very nice boat with tables decked out like for a wedding reception (seat covers and table cloths). The ride was very relaxing and the buildings along the river have colored lights. It was very pretty. Lynn and Olivia (2) were with us. Alison does not know what to think of Olivia. Olivia is such a sweet, touchy child and reached out to Alison over the course of the evening. Mostly Alison ignored her but I just don't think she knows how to relate to a younger child. Very interesting to watch the interaction. The boat trip was quite a treat for Alison. She was out of her chair and into the window. She wrote her name in the foggy window (made foggy by her breath) of the boat. She smiled several times and her whole body changed as she seemed more at ease. At one point Lynn and David decided to go on top (outside) and Alison tripped all over herself to go with them. She just had a great time on the boat.

When we got to the hotel, she rang for the elevator. Lynn was talking to David so she pushed the button several times and it closed. Then we got in and the door almost closed before Lynn got in. He put the bag in the door to keep it open. We all laughed at that one, even Alison. I gave her the key and she scooted ahead of us down the hall to open the room door. I know this sounds so natural but she has only done this once or twice before. Normally, she holds my hand as we walk down the hall and sometimes she will open the door when we get there. She just isn't the carefree child that we all have known. She is timid and shy and just unsure of most everything.

Brooke was at the oath ceremony. She turned 14 yesterday and she is from Zhu Hai. Brooke had to be given to her new parents before her 14th birthday or she is not eligible to be adopted. She just made it by a week. Imagine being willing to be adopted and missing the deadline by one week the other way? Brooke is also very shy with her new mom but when Alison and Brooke are together they banter like two rival siblings. We will be on the same flight on Wednesday. The girls can talk from Guangzhou to Tokyo and then it will probably just be on the phone. Can't imagine not seeming my sisters again ever or only every few years. Such adjustments these children face... such loss.

We have a much happier child that we got a week ago. She still isn't trying any English words but does know a good deal about what we are talking about in this environment. Another adjustment until we get into a routine at home and hopefully soon she will begin talking.

Tomorrow is the zoo. Lynn and Olivia are going with us. I think being with another child is good for Alison as it will help prepare her a little bit for all of the kids who are part of her family now. It has been a good day. My Lynn confessed to Lynn (Olivia's mom) that if we were younger he would adopt again. That is enough confirmation for me that it isn't just me pushing him to do this. I don't think that it is fair to a child to only have one committed parent. But when God gives you a desire, I think He expects you to do His bidding. And the great thing is that He blesses it more than you ever dreamed. A good day...but only one more before we come home... I can't wait. I miss my family at home so much. I haven't seen my own little munchkins for two weeks and I miss them. ... Brenda

Monday - Visa is a Go, Oath moved to today

David took our application for the Visa to the Consulate today and called to say everything went well. They have moved our oath ceremony from tomorrow to this afternoon. David is picking us up at 2:45. We had to be in our room from 11-12 for David's call so this has been a lazy, lazy day so far.

We had breakfast in the hotel this morning. We are down to a routine now. Lunch was "junk" in our room. We have left over pizza but Alison isn't interested in that so we are just snacking. She had picked up a couple of things over the course of this week. The first was a bag with mushrooms on the outside. It turns out to be a small cookie stick with a chocolate top on it and it looks like a mushroom. There was no English on the package at all but it sure looked like a mushroom on the packaging. I didn't know what to expect but when she opened it, I ate one and it is cookie w/ chocolate. Yesterday when we were out, she asked for a yogurt looking container (only taller). She just went for this and it is a package of cookie sticks and some icing dip. The cookies look like a stick pretzel only a little fatter and some pink stuff to dip it into. I would probably say an icing kind of thing. Yup, my child likes junk food. She has eaten crackers and peanut butter and some Pringles. I also brought dried fruit and she isn't much into that either...just junky stuff. We will work on this later after we get home. She hasn't had too much of a chance to eat a lot of junk so far... until today. I guess one meal won't spoil her.

After Alice in Wonderland, we went out to do a little shopping. Lynn hates when I say that. We bought 2 T-Shirts for her, 10 tops (toys...don't tell the kids), chop sticks, a dragon, 4 scarves... oh, and we picked up her Christmas stocking with her name embroidered in Chinese on one side and English on the other. Ok, no snickers from those of you who know I have an embroidery machine and could have done this myself... well, I might make another and I have a pattern to go by... how is that? I don't think Lynn thought about the fact I could have done the embroidery. I will just act surprised when he comes to that realization. Oh yeah, he will probably read this too.

We also bought this stupid, gel filled, rubberized blob with a long rubbery (almost yo-yo like cord) string. Well, you should see this girl play with it like a yo-yo. Do an around the world on her finger and generaly just about knock everyone with this thing as we walk down the street. She just is so easily entertained but I would be too with this silly thing. Oh, it lights up to. The ones I have seen in the states don't light up (looks like a round blow fish with porcupine spines but everything is rubbery).

That has been our day so far. We do the river cruise tonight. I hope we don't freeze to death. More later.... Brenda

OHHH the super bowl. Lynn found it on the internet. Someone said it was on TV but I searched from 8 - 8:30 and didn't find it. I am glad a Manning was the winner of the superbowl at least. Sounded like a good game. Anyone at home tape it?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday was a very good day

This morning Alison and Lynn looked at videos that Lynn has on the laptop. That was much more entertaining to her than just looking at still pictures. Alison seemed very interested in Alyssa playing basketball and her dance recital. They spent about an hour overall looking at pictures together and Alison normally doesn't get very close to Lynn. Then on the way to church she let him hold her hand. That hasn't happened since day one. Lynn was very encouraged with the change of heart toward him by his daughter.

The church service wasn't a service but a Bible study in Numbers. Tithing came up and so did full time ministry supported by the church for the pastor. All topics I have heard on many occassions.... universal issues for the church. The Bible study was translated into English and was interesting. It was very cold in the church.

The sun has warmed us up. We aren't as cold walking around and can enjoy the island much more. On the way back from lunch, we bought a couple more of the Barbie type dolls and more doll clothes. They are so cheap that it is just impossible to say no. When we got back to our room Alison sat on her bed really playing dolls for the first time. She dressed all 4 of them and did their hair. They talked (the dolls) and she walked them around on the bed. She seemed really happy as she played. She was mouthing words but not saying them out loud. This was a different play than she did a few days ago with the dolls. Then she would dress and undress them and then move onto something else. You could tell that she was playing an activity that the dolls were talking to each other and going out. Not sure what the doll in the drawer was all about though. She would put one in and play with the others and then get it out and it would play too.

We did some shopping this afternoon. Bought most of the things we want to bring back.

We talked to a family at dinner tonight that was stuck in the snow in the Hunan province. They were in a very nice hotel but she said as they left Hunan the airport was awful because you had to just push through the crowds and with kids that is hard to do.

Alison ordered a quesadea for lunch with french fries. She ordered this a few days ago and ate the salsa by itself with a spoon and hardly ate the quesadea. Today she put the salsa on the quesadea and picked it up with her hands to eat it. Today she ate all of the quesadea and lelft most of her fries.

Then tonight she only wanted french fries. She couldn't find anything else on the menu she wanted so I ordered peanut butter & jelly (it comes with fries). You should have seen her face when it came. She ate a few fries and then tasted the sandwich. We weren't sure if she liked it so I gave her some of my spaghetti and took 1/4 of her sandwich. She ate every bite of her sandwich and fries and did not touch my spaghetti. Hmmm I guess she liked her pbj. I have to say it is fun to watch her branch out and try new things.

Oh on our way back from lunch we stopped by a 7-Eleven to get cokes and she wanted an ice cream bar. Now like it hasn't been so cold here! She hate it over the next 20 or so minutes as we shopped our way home. With it still being cool, it didn't melt any too fast. I think she got cold eating the ice cream but she sure enjoyed it.

I bought her a couple of Chinese outfits (a vest, a pants outfit and a dress) today and another warm outfit. I guess I am paranoid about keeping her warm and she is so skinny. I am not sure you can get clothes thin enough in the US. Clothes here seem to be smaller around the waist.

Overall a good day. I think she looks happier. When we walked into a few stores, she let go of my hand and did some of her own shopping. She would come get me and then go back on her own. She is starting to feel a bit more confidence. She was even playing with a child in one of the stores. I am happy with our progress today. She is watching her first TV today and is giggling quietly as she watches it. Someday soon I hope to hear that laughter out loud.

Thanks for your prayers and support. I feel your prayers and I thank you for them. Children are such a blessing from God. Seeing so many unwanted kids find homes just makes me want to weep. I see the shell shocked kids with their new parents and over the days they brighten (like Alison) and it is so exciting. Then thinking of all the children who will never have homes is just beyond comprehension. As you pray for us, pray for the suffering children of the world. Pray for the orphans in China at this time of major crisis with the cold.

Thanks for listening. The end of a very good day. Brenda

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

It is Sunday morning here. We have been to breakfast and are killing time until time to go to church which is at 11:00. I had to quickly I looked out my window earlier I could see the streets were drying up but just now... I see sun. Real sun. I may have to pull out the ole sunglasses. What a wonderful Sunday. God is good. This is the first we have seen the sun since we have been here. More later.. Brenda

Saturday - Medical Exam

Today has been a quiet day by choice for us. We went to breakfast and met up with Lynn Arnette (she is part of our travel group from A Helping Hand). She is alone to pick up her daughter, Olivia. Oh my is Olivia a beauty and so personable. She is miss chatty and smiley now. She is learning English all the time but she is two and you remember how quick they pick up things.

We met Elsie at 10 AM and we all walked to get passport pictures taken. It is a drizzly rain toady and you guessed it, cold. They had to retake Alison's pictures because they had to be able to see her eyebrows and her bangs were too long. The first picture was better. We walked about 3 blocks to the clinic. We must have been the first two appointments because within minutes of our arrival the place was full of children being adopted. We saw two couples we saw at our paper signing day.

Medical: ear, nose & throat; eye exam for Alison (the EEE's which way do they point); temperature, blood pressure, height & weight; then the doctor did a quick exam. Then we were done. Alison said very, very little. Some nods yes and sometimes a short answer to a question but not much. The doctor asked if she responded to any of our commands, which she does. I don't think Alison spoke at all to Elsie. She would have done better with David.

AFter the medical, we went back to Lynn's room and I played with Olivia while Lynn & Lynn did the paperwork with Elsie. Alison sat on the bed and watched cartoons. I guess since she doesn't know Olivia, she wasn't engaged with her at all. Even blowing bubbles with Olivia wasn't entertaining for Alison.

Lynn & Olivia went to lunch with us at Lucy's. Alison had her first cheeseburger with fries. She has had fries a few times but not the burger. She seemed to like it. She didn't finish it all though but the fries were gone. I got her hot tea instead of her usual orange drink. She would have preferred the orange but her cold seems a bit worse to me today. Olivia had peanut butter & jelly and seemed to like it. Isn't that funny, the foods our kids have grown up with are so different for these kids?

We made our way back to the hotel and we have been couch potatoes today. We have just put in videos for Alison. She laughs and seems to enjoy them so much. I think I selfishly like to see her have a fun time that I will indulge the boob tube for a bit. Maybe when she feels real safe and cared for, she will open up.

We ordered Papa Johns pizza for dinner. That was pretty good and pretty quick. It was 114 yuan for a 12 inch pizza & cheese sticks. We have left overs too. Another first for Alison. She ate a cheese stick and about half a piece of pizza. Like I said, I think her cold is a little worse. Her appetite has been better on other days compared to today...another reason not to drag her out in it again today.

We are going to turn in early. All of us are yawning a lot today. We plan on going to church tomorrow. The English translated sermon is at 11:00. I hope we don't have rain tomorrow. I did look out around 5:30 and it wasn't raining at that time. My plan is church and then shopping here on the island.

That's all for tonight. I see giggles behind me as I look in the mirror. We are watching Lion King (remember she didn't get to see the whole thing in the car the other day). Four days and counting until we come home. I can't wait. Brenda

Excuse the typos. Spell check is giving me an error consistently and not running.