Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day One Begins Early

I woke at 5:00. By 6:00, I heard stirrings in Alison's room. She slept in her full size bed with the door closed with no issues. Well, she got up and closed her door. We compromised and almost closed it but left our door open in case she woke crying or something. That didn't happen...she loves her room. I bought a dresser/armoir with a mirror on the front last year before I even knew for sure we were adopting. She got dressed this morning and did just a bit of primping in the mirror. It is just the right height for her. Something to think about...I don't think these girls often see themselves in a mirror. I wish I could say I bought this dresser for the mirror but I didn't and she probably wouldn't have a mirror in her room if it hadn't been for that.

Alison was so frightened of our dog, Nikki, when they met last night. Nikki thinks she is the greeting machine and is quite wired when anyone first arrives. For the first hour or so, everytime Nikki came close to Alison, she got behind me. This morning Nikki is at Alison's feet and she is petting her. I think these two are going to be fast friends.

Alison thinks she is still in a cold environment. She put on a fleece outfit today with a t-shirt, fleece shirt and a light jacket. She loves her new clothes. I showed her a Disney watch a friend bought for her and she wanted it on this morning. I am not sure if she can tell time but she likes the watch. I had sissors in her desk and then carried them to the kitchen last night. As we were trying to get the watch out of the box, I told her we needed sissors and we looked in her desk drawer and we both headed for the kitchen. She is tracking just still not talking excpet now to Nikki. Alison is quietly talking to Nikki as she pets her.

This is like a fun park discovering new things. Alison had rasin cereal for breakfast. She ate every bite. I showed her where the glasses, plates and silverware are and she nodded that she understood. We have a few food habits to break. She is a junk food junky. After her cereal she had Skittles. I know, I know.

David, our guide in China, said the average apartment in China is about 500 square feet. That is the size of my upstairs bonus room. We have so much. Alison has parents, sisters, aunts & uncles (ok peers, her age), a school and a church. She has her own things. She came to us with nothing personal of her own. She had no books, no dolls, no toys, nothing to call her own. She has her memories and whatever heritage she can hold on to from her past. She is the bravest girl I know (you may have a brave one in your home too). I have been paralyzed by fear of doing silly things, like going someplace by myself or talking in public and she leaves everything she knows and goes with total strangers who can't talk to her. And she did so with only one melt down and minimal tears. She has traveled half way around the world and has endured untold hours of boredom and exhaustion and has not complained.

The heart of an orphan yearns for a family and they will risk it all to be loved. It makes me cry and humbled to have the opportunity of giving this to her. I love and admire my bio kids. I love my grandkids to pieces. And I love my little China girl who appears so fragile but is so brave and strong. Brenda


Anonymous said...

We are so glad you are back home and everyone is doing well. We can't imagine a 22 hour trip! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date. God has truly blessed all of you.

Charles, Connie, Lisa, and Laura

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Alison, Brenda and Lynn! Happy Chinese New Year!! I hope things continue to go well! It is amazing the difference of how the children act in China and then when they get home they come out of their shell a little. God Bless and keep us posted!!
With Love,
Tracy (waiting for Kate Hai Shun to come home!)