Thursday, January 17, 2008

Getting Close

We are down to nine days before we leave. Nine days seems such a short / long time. I keep thinking of all I have to do but I am not ready to start packing. I have Alison's clothes ready but I want to be able to change my mind.

I have been looking for learning activities. I went to a school supply store tonight and picked up some hand writing work books. Now I am trying to decide how many learning items to take. The focus is on bonding activities and I don't want to overwhelm her. But we will be there for two weeks plus the long plane ride back.

There are moments that I am totally prepared and others that I feel the need to talk to someone who has done this before for reassurance that all will be well or read just one more book on bonding/adoption issues.

There is a DVD set Dora learns Mandarin now. Dora can do anything. I think Dora may be too young for Alison but I also found a Barbie DVD set for learning Mandarin. That might help us and the grandkids but I resisted. Check out ebay for learning Chinese. Ok, you know I was tempted to buy something but I did buy some pants for school tonight so I have my kid purchase fix for today. Whew! I was able to pass up an ebay auction. Actually the bidding goes on for 3 days and I couldn't possibly get it before I leave so I can resist. Besides I can probably buy it cheaper in China

After midnight --- 8 days and counting.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A New Friend to Break the Ice

This is a My Twinn doll ( I wanted to have a special gift to bring to Alison to break the ice. I want to bring the doll with us on "gotcha" day. I think the doll looks a little like Alison, don't you?

Ok, I admit I got a bit carried away with matching outfits.
I also have jeans, a jacket and pajamas to match. But won't they look so cute?
I think this is the travel outfit. With this outfit, I can protect her hair. I don't think she should wear her shoes though, they may get lost. I admit I have not put her in my carry-on as a trial run. But I can't check her in my suitcase! So either I carry her on the plane or she fits in my carry on bag. I'll let you know when I start packing.
Alison is the 4th from the right in this picture. I don't know why they are all dressed alike. This is the adoptee group but not all eleven. The family that just adopted say that Alison will wear a size 6. At nine and a half she is the size of the our five year old grandkids. This is a "don't mess with me" face.

To maintain privacy of the family that just adopted, I am not mentioning their names. On "gotcha day" their daughter was brought to them in a new red silk outfit with fabric shoes. They had many pictures of her on a CD. Their daughter had the teddy bear they had sent in a care package. She came with a backpack with an outfit to change into and some school supplies. She was very prepared to be adopted and is striving to please her new parents.

Regardless of how our "gotcha day" goes. We feel we have been led to this adoption by God. He will give us the strength to do what we need to do to raise our daughter. At a minimum, we will expose her to a Christian life with moral principles. She will learn that Jesus is her savior. We will love her as the gift from God that she is to our lives. Her life, our lives and the lives of our grown daughters and the grandkids will all be impacted by Alison coming into our home. I pray that blessings abound to all who are touched by this beautiful little orphan coming to America. I can't wait to meet my new daughter.

These eleven girls are coming to America in 07-08 thru adoption. The orphanage has taken several pictures of the girls together and gave the pictures to a family who just brought one of the Zhu Hai girls home in December. Our hope is that we can stay in contact with families who have adopted girls from the Zhu Hai orphanage and get together periodically. These girls share a heritage together.

Alison is in middle row with a white top on. Isn't she pretty? The girl to her left must be her best friend. They are together, side-by-side, in most of the group pictures. Thanks to the yahoo group for Zhu Hai adoptions. I am glad I found you. And thanks to the family who has shared so much in their trip to bring their daughter home.