Saturday, February 16, 2008

McDonalds Times Two but VERY DIFFERENT

On Monday, I thought it would be good to get Alison out of the house so I called Angie and we took Alison and Nolan to McDonalds. She sat and barely watched Nolan and the other kids in the playscape. Tonight after church, Alison sat at a table with Emilie and ate. As soon as everyone was done, ALL of the kids (Alison at a dead run) headed for the playscape. Lynn hurried in after them and he saw Alison in one of the bubbles looking out at him. She smiled really big and waved. I was a little slower getting in there but I too got the full face smile and a big wave. Wow. McDonalds just five days later is a much different place.

We have four of Tammie's kids still. Stephen is now in Riley and is still having breathing problems. The prayers his siblings say are just so sweet and so spiritual. They are doing great here but miss their parents and Stephen a lot. On the good side though, Alison is thriving having them here. We went to Alyssa's basketball game today. Emilie asked if she could take some pictures so I handed over the camera. Alison took it all in as she watched how Emilie took pictures. They giggled as the pictures were snapped of funny faces or people not aware. Alison is truly as sponge taking every new experience in. We were also quite the parade as we walked to the restroom... of course they all had to go. Alison and Emilie are the "big kids" and are leading the way for the younger.

Lynn took Emilie and Alison to a Chinese New Year celebration in Mooresville today. I guess Alison wasn't going to "talk" to any of the kids there. She liked the food pretty well but wasn't social... her usual very quiet. At home here, Alison has taught Emilie how to play Spidar Solitare on the computer. Maggie, Emilie and Alison are each taking turns figuring out how to use the Webkinz site. Alison has three pets but only one adopted at this time. Alison likes to buy furniture and such for her rooms. I haven't looked to see how much money she has left. I have been playing on her account for weeks building up cash for her. The three of them have all been playing games but probably not making much money. If it were up to the girls, they would watch "Highschool Musical" all day and play computer games at the same time.

I finally cleaned up the house enough to be prepared to give the kids their gifts from China. I had all of them come over this afternoon and they each got a T-Shirt and a toy of some kind. I know, I need to post pictures. Maybe Lynn can do that tomorrow. I am just a little busy with all these kids running around. I gave Alison a T-Shirt and a fan (like the other girls). I asked all the kids to put on their shirts and helped the boys change into theirs. I wanted to take pictures of them all together (well, Hollie and Kyle aren't here). Well, next thing I know, Alison is putting her shirt on as well. Tell me she doesn't understand!!!

We all went to church tonight. Tammie's kids don't have children's church where they go. The kids stay with the parents. So normally I do the same when they are with us. But since the other grandkids were going to church they had someone to go with. So Alyssa and Nolan had Maggie & Joseph in their class. Then Ethan had Emilie & Alison. Because Daniel didn't have a buddy, he came to church with us. The kids loved their classes. Emilie was quick to report that Alison said her name when asked and said she was 9. Let me say that again...
"What is your name"? Alison's answer, "Alison".
"How old are you?" Alison's answer, "Nine".

Emilie comes and tells us everytime Alison says anything. So, we know that Alison is singing some of the songs to "Highschool Musical". She has said, "Ni Hao, Hi, Yeah, Bye-Bye" just to name a few phrases.

Wow, what a day. The kids all get along so well. We are so blessed. We need to get the 'E' kids over their colds. Stephen needs to get better. We have several days now to get some routine going and get everyone healthy so the 'E's can get back to their home where they all want to be. If you read this, keep Stephen in your prayers. He is having such a tough time breathing and he is so tired. God, please bring your healing hand upon Stephen, Daniel, Joseph, Maggie & Emilie. Brenda

Thursday, February 14, 2008

First Day at School

When Alison got up this morning, I got the translator and told her we were going to school today for a "heart" party...Valentine Party. We were going to take the cards she made and give them to her new friends at school. We walked into class just before the party. She was a little hesitant but I went with her to her new desk. At first, she didn't want to put her cards into the childrens' bags but I showed her what to do and then handed them to her and she did them. Then about halfway through, she took the rest of the cards and gave one to each child.

She has a personal translator, besides an electronic one.... Jennifer. Jennifer is her translator in the class. Her parents are from Taiwan and she speaks Mandarin (which Alison understands). WOW! What a God thing. Jennifer asked me why Alison was mad and I explained that she was frightened and could not understand our English words. Jennifer asked where her parents are and I tried to explain an orphan to a 7 year old. Jennifer kept saying over and over, "that is so sad". But, I told Jennifer that I am Alison's mom now and we are going to love and take care of her forever. Jennifer's big eyes showed her compassion for a little girl to grow from a baby to a nine year old without a mom or dad and to live each day in a school.

Then we went to computer class. Alison joined the group and walked to class and sat at the computer. I was in the room but across from her and basically out of sight unless she stood up. This child did great. She watched the other kids and did what they did. She is happy with her new desk which has her name on it (she traced her finger over her name). We have two hours under our belt and the next step is to see how she does on Tuesday when she will go probably all day.

School was only half day so close to the end we ran over to see Alyssa. Alyssa is so good with Alison. She introduces her to her friends and tells them that Alison is from China. Alyssa went home with Mark. We met up with the Thomsons and went to Roscos Tacos.

Let's talk about food for a moment. In China, she was pretty predictable with her fried noodles and fried rice although we did get her to branch out to french fries and a hamburger. Since we have been home, she has had pancakes, stir-fry w/ rice (ok, that was a given), oatmeal w/ dinosaur eggs (a winner...every drop eaten), pop tarts (my kind of girl), peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti, hot dogs w/ chili, chicken nuggets, sausage burrito and now loaded nachos... all were a hit. If I had to pick a favorite, it is still french fries but the burrito and nachos are close. Even the pancakes and oatmeal seemed to rate well. She doesn't eat a lot but she eats. She like grapes but not bananas. And my all time favorite, roast, potatoes and carrots got barely a nibble... failed on this one. She likes chocolate milk, Sprite, and orange soda. She drinks milk but not much. She really isn't a big drinker. I bet she doesn't drink 10 ounces in a whole day. We will have to work on this.

The "Highschool Musical" CD was being played a lot when we were home today. The volume somehow kept creeping louder and louder. I would go in and tell her to turn in down and the next song it is loud again. No, we haven't had her hearing checked and we will but do you really think this isn't absolutely normal? I put the CD player on the top of her desk (she has a roll top so it has a high top shelf) thinking she would put a tape in and play in her room. OH NO. She puts the tape in while standing on the chair and stands (rocking to the music) the whole time the CD is playing. Lynn suggests I find a place lower to put the CD player. I guess I should. But maybe the chair is her stage?!

Tammie called this afternoon to say Stephen is going back in the hospital with pneumonia so I offered to come get the kids. I gave Alison a half Dramamine on the way out and she was fine. We were there about 20 minutes and then drove back. It is about 30 minutes each way. Well, she didn't make it. She got sick in the car. But, can I digress a bit... she is a great "puker". Sorry! But this is a very important trait that a mother loves.... she hit the bag, kept it contained and handed it to me when we got home. I really appreciate that.

We took the kids to Bob Evans tonight. The kids each got the kid menu and ordered their food. Alison sat across from me with Emilie and Maggie. Emilie is so sweet with her. Emilie is such a little helper. Anyway, the kids were all coloring and Emilie says, "Grandma, she wrote her name." Alison had folded up her menu by this time so I asked her for it. At first she was hesitant and then she gave it to me. She is a very good at coloring but on one of the pictures she wrote "Alion". OH, MY BABY WROTE HER NAME! OK, I know, she is missing the "S" but you are missing the point of this story.... SHE WROTE HER NAME. I have written it for her several times but she doesn't seem to be paying attention. She was fingering her name on her desk today and I know she recognizes it. I am saving that picture. The first day of school AND she wrote her name.

Alison fell asleep on the couch tonight while Daniel, Joseph, Maggie and Emilie watched a movie. Emilie asked me what Alison's favorite movie is and I told her "Little Mermaid" so that is what they decided they wanted to watch. They have never watched that movie before because it is scary but they watched it all the way through and we just talked though the bad parts with the sea witch and her evil ways. Emilie offered to watch it in Mandarin after they watched it in English so Alison would enjoy it more....ahhhhh! It was 9:30 and time to get these kiddos to bed. Alison, the sombe, was easiest to get to bed. I walked her in there and handed her pj's and she gets in them without fuss. May not always be the case because the other room was filled with the whispers of little voices doing everything but sleeping. I finally had to bring Daniel out in the living room with me so the others could go to sleep.

What Alison must be thinking! What is the family thing all about? Kids coming and going all the time. Everyday it is the boys dropping in/out, Alyssa drops in on some days and now these kids come and spend the night. Lynn has come home and gone to bed very early with his cold ailments. My cough is much better but I wear out easily and I admit to laying on the couch quite a bit this week. And it looks like we live in a hotel. I still have suitcases out in the kitchen (empty but out). All of the souveneirs are out all over the kitchen table. The kitchen counter has things not put away from the trip, dirty dishes, and mail all thrown together. This morning I couldn't find my keys and I was in a panic as to which pile they might have fallen in. At least we live across from the school, we could have walked if we had to.

This has not been a typical week but I am not sure that one of those will exist again for about 10 years or longer. This week has been chaos but happy chaos. We have been sick but content. Alison is so much the trooper. If we want to go, she goes. If we insist, she gives in (except for that dress). What courage God has given this child. What strength! She looks so fragile and tiny but there is a mighty spirit contained in that small frame. We don't know what she is thinking. But she faces each day with courage and expectation that it will be better than her past. We, who know the Lord, know the peace that passes all understanding. We are to come to God like a child. Be child-like in your faith. She believes and trusts so freely. She has faith that we will be good to her. May I never fail my Lord and I have no fear of failing her. Another good day.... Brenda

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chinese Valentines???

What a day! We went to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast (free entree for each person thru March). Alison ate every bit of her breakfast burrito. She watches how we eat everything. I unwraped my burrito from the foil and held it in my hand. She started out just peeling back the wrapper but changed to eat hers like I was eating mine. Such influence.

I had some returns to make. This child didn't like the coat I picked out for her in December. So we made a trip to the mall for t-shirts and whatever. We did Gap for Kids, The Children's Place and the Disney store. Alison is a foo-foo girl which I love. Everything is pink! I tried my best to get her to let me buy a dress for her but she did the adamant head shake (NO) everytime. Now, does that mean she hates dresses or she thinks if she buys a dress she has to wear it in these termperatures? I hope the latter.

Disney was so fun. She is very good at spotting "Little Mermaid" stuff. I bought an Ariel t-shirt, a "Little Mermaid" set of figures, and a Barbie w/ a pony and both have long hair to braid. Well, there was that Ariel hat she wanted. And I believe we picked up a "High School Musical" CD... well, maybe two of them. I did say no to something but I don't remember what. I was just spending the gift money I had been given for her! Afterall, that is what a mom is to do.

We stopped by work. She was very quiet but not frightened. Maybe a little bored. But, I bought her a Sprite on our way out... ok, I was thirsty so I endulged her as well. It was a little late and we hadn't had lunch yet.

On to school shopping. Meijer was our next stop. Folders, crayons, pencils, markers, what fun, what fun. I can't remember any extras in this store. I held my ground but there are the 3 bags of things we hauled out of the mall.

We had to decorate a Valentine box tonight. I had Dad wrap a shoe box in beautiful wrapping paper and she put the heart stickers al over the lid. Alison wrote her name in Chinese on each of the Valentines. I didn't know how many to buy so we have 24. She signed her name like she was some kind of a star. I will add a picture tomorrow. We are going to her class party tomorrow. Her first day (half-day) at school and it's a party day! Her first day is next Tuesday.

She was quite the champ today. The whole day got away from me. I didn't feed this child until 3:00 and then I picked up chicken nuggets and fries. The Dramamine worked that I gave her at the beginning of our long day. She finished the food after we got home but she had half of it eaten in the car. She is a little work horse. She lugged all of those packages out of the back seat and carried them inside. She signed her name over and over and helped me stuff the envelopes. She decorated the Valentine box even though she wanted to play with her new toys.

We watched "Highschool Musical" on Friday with the Thomsons (Caleb, Ethan, Nolan). Then we watched "Highschool Musical II" on Sunday. She wanted to watch it again last night. Then today we bought the CD. I put a CD player in her room and as I walked by her room a couple of times, I saw her dancing a little to the music. She is opening up.

I have to be careful. I don't want this to be a "Santa" relationship. But I love buying her things. I have to have some restraint. I just feel she has done without so long that I enjoy giving her things. How much is too much? Well, we have enough for awhile. School starts next week and that will take a great deal of her time and mine. So much is going on in that little mind. She is so obedient and so patient and yet you know she doesn't understand. She just trusts that she is in a good place and we will take care of her. You know every child thinks that. That is a heavy burden. We all need to take this responsibility so seriously. They trust so totally. Her well being is in our hands. I am responsible to God for how well I meet this responsibility. I am glad I said yes. Alison is so sweet and so trusting. I am so proud of this brave, trusting soul..... Brenda

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Anyone for Little Mermaid

Everyday is getting better. We have smiles everyday now. We still have no words though. Well, except for tlast night. Last night we called one of the girls from her orphanage who was adopted last month (Jen) and these girls had a little trouble getting started but once they did it was a 40 minute marathon. Jen would say "hello" and of course Alison wouldn't respond so Jen thought no one was on the phone. Finally, I pulled up Jen's blog and kept telling Alison that it was Hai Zhen and then they made the connection. I loved watching the girls talk to each other. It was so animated and got kind of loud at times. You have to wonder what these two were discussing!!!???? I wanted Lynn to tape the whole thing and then we could get a translation. But, he didn't. I guess that is a bit invasive. We will have a chatterbox in the house before too long!

We met with her teacher yesterday. With her age, we thought she was in third grade but she says she was in second. Our goal this semester is to get a good language foundation with phonics so she can read well. We aren't concerned with grades this semester. We are putting her in our church's grade school. Because we thought she was in third grade, we had been discussing third grade. We were going to leave her in third grade but with the expectation that she will repeat third grade next year. But after looking at our options, we are moving her back to second grade. She will be in a class with another Asian girl who is fluent in Mandarin & how did that happen? God only knows . While Mandarin isn't her first language, Alison should be able to communicate with this girl. Anyway, school starts next week. I think we are both ready.

She can copy English words and type them into the translator and then see what they mean in Mandarin. She did that a couple of times today. I think she will get more inquisitive and do this more often. She understands more and more each day. She also is more comfortable with us and the kids. Seems everyday someone is over for at least a short time.

Anyway, good news on this side. brenda