Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chinese Valentines???

What a day! We went to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast (free entree for each person thru March). Alison ate every bit of her breakfast burrito. She watches how we eat everything. I unwraped my burrito from the foil and held it in my hand. She started out just peeling back the wrapper but changed to eat hers like I was eating mine. Such influence.

I had some returns to make. This child didn't like the coat I picked out for her in December. So we made a trip to the mall for t-shirts and whatever. We did Gap for Kids, The Children's Place and the Disney store. Alison is a foo-foo girl which I love. Everything is pink! I tried my best to get her to let me buy a dress for her but she did the adamant head shake (NO) everytime. Now, does that mean she hates dresses or she thinks if she buys a dress she has to wear it in these termperatures? I hope the latter.

Disney was so fun. She is very good at spotting "Little Mermaid" stuff. I bought an Ariel t-shirt, a "Little Mermaid" set of figures, and a Barbie w/ a pony and both have long hair to braid. Well, there was that Ariel hat she wanted. And I believe we picked up a "High School Musical" CD... well, maybe two of them. I did say no to something but I don't remember what. I was just spending the gift money I had been given for her! Afterall, that is what a mom is to do.

We stopped by work. She was very quiet but not frightened. Maybe a little bored. But, I bought her a Sprite on our way out... ok, I was thirsty so I endulged her as well. It was a little late and we hadn't had lunch yet.

On to school shopping. Meijer was our next stop. Folders, crayons, pencils, markers, what fun, what fun. I can't remember any extras in this store. I held my ground but there are the 3 bags of things we hauled out of the mall.

We had to decorate a Valentine box tonight. I had Dad wrap a shoe box in beautiful wrapping paper and she put the heart stickers al over the lid. Alison wrote her name in Chinese on each of the Valentines. I didn't know how many to buy so we have 24. She signed her name like she was some kind of a star. I will add a picture tomorrow. We are going to her class party tomorrow. Her first day (half-day) at school and it's a party day! Her first day is next Tuesday.

She was quite the champ today. The whole day got away from me. I didn't feed this child until 3:00 and then I picked up chicken nuggets and fries. The Dramamine worked that I gave her at the beginning of our long day. She finished the food after we got home but she had half of it eaten in the car. She is a little work horse. She lugged all of those packages out of the back seat and carried them inside. She signed her name over and over and helped me stuff the envelopes. She decorated the Valentine box even though she wanted to play with her new toys.

We watched "Highschool Musical" on Friday with the Thomsons (Caleb, Ethan, Nolan). Then we watched "Highschool Musical II" on Sunday. She wanted to watch it again last night. Then today we bought the CD. I put a CD player in her room and as I walked by her room a couple of times, I saw her dancing a little to the music. She is opening up.

I have to be careful. I don't want this to be a "Santa" relationship. But I love buying her things. I have to have some restraint. I just feel she has done without so long that I enjoy giving her things. How much is too much? Well, we have enough for awhile. School starts next week and that will take a great deal of her time and mine. So much is going on in that little mind. She is so obedient and so patient and yet you know she doesn't understand. She just trusts that she is in a good place and we will take care of her. You know every child thinks that. That is a heavy burden. We all need to take this responsibility so seriously. They trust so totally. Her well being is in our hands. I am responsible to God for how well I meet this responsibility. I am glad I said yes. Alison is so sweet and so trusting. I am so proud of this brave, trusting soul..... Brenda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - sounds like a GREAT time! Elizabeth's favorite movie right now is High School Musical 1 & 2. She always wants to listen to FM 98.3 (Disney) on the radio when we are in the car, as they play some of the songs from those two movies. I'll bet she would have a great time with Alison! So glad to hear she is opening up more and more!
- Kathy Perry