Monday, February 18, 2008


Here are a few pictures of Alison over the last few days.

Alison and Emilie on the computer:

Talking on the phone with her friend. I am sure they were comparing notes on their new families and homes:

Nieces and nephews (Daniel, Ethan, Alison, Joseph, Emilie, Emilie, Alyssa, Calab and Ethan.

Alison at school for Valentine's Day party:

Lunch with sister Angie and Ethan:

Alison and Emilie enjoying food and a Red Envelope at Chinese New Year party:



Anonymous said...

Alison looks like she is fitting right in. Is she in regular school? What grade? I think you said 2nd, but not sure. I can't wait to see when we all get together for a reunion!!!
Tracy (waiting for Katie Hai Shun!)

Barb said...

What cute pictures! I love the first one that shows her smile. It was neat to hear her giggle the other day. How have the first 2 days of school gone? I saw her walking out with her class on Tuesday pulling her book bag. She looked like just one of the kids.
