Wednesday, February 20, 2008

School Days...

Alison started school on Tuesday. I went in at lunch time to help her figure out the routine. I failed as a mother in packing her lunch. She hated everything... maybe it was nerves! She drank her juice and tasted a few things and that was it. I gave her a good snack when she got home.

We went through her school bag as she ate her snack. She did very well with writing her name. She did a whole 1-10 math book and showed me the note about school lunches. Today after school we did the same. I let Angie pick her up today and she came in and we "kind of" hugged... she got close to me and I hugged her. We went through her bag. she pulled out the homework (her Bible verse for this week). We will have to work on it after dinner because I know she can learn it. We had another snack after school and she is content.

She is planted in the recliner playing Spider Solitare. I waited until she won a game and asked if she was on my login and she shook her head no. I asked for the mouse and she handed it over and sure enough she was on her login. I have some kid sites bookmarked on my login so I need to write the addresses down (when I can get my computer back... it is in high demand). I am using Lynn's laptop right now.

We had her appointment with the international adoption/infectious disease clinic this morning at Riley Hospital for Children. We had two MDs in the room with her for about an hour. They each did a full examination and asked a bunch of questions. I decided to do a "titer" to see where she is in her amount of protection from immunizations instead of just re-immunizing her again. She got her TB-test and a blood draw (lots and lots of viles). She squirmed and she cried but she sat on my lap and was consolable. After the blood draw, she got to pick a toy. Like any kid, she throws her coat to me until it is time to go outside and then we put it on...although we had to take it off the good arm and put the stiff "bad" arm in first. By the end of school, she is using her arm just fine.

Alison has one open spot on her pinky at the web part as it connects to the hand. We are going to watch that spot. It is new and I suspect it is a crack due to dry skin but it could be scabies although she really doesn't show any other spots. Her skin has become drier as we have been home in the cold weather so they suggested vasoline rubs or any lotion without smell. She has a scar on her right ear drum and some wax build-up in her left and a small increase in lymph gland. They suggested a school hearing test and then do a more thorough one if anything is flagged. She has been sniffly but is better so the docs suggest we watch her for signs of a cold. She has one cavity and some placque. Her gums bleed sometimes when she brushes her teeth. My plan is to wait a few more weeks so she isn't just scared with a new procedure. The doctors say that is fine. Overall, a good checkup. She is at 2% for height (but on the chart) and just off the chart in weight at 48 pounds. We are going to encourage her to drink between meals because she isn't drinking much for her age. Alison has some marks on her face that the doctors think is recent because it is light in color. Darker skinned people have an initial healing mark that is light in color, then darker and then back to normal. Because these marks are light, they believe them to be more recent. Nothing was mentioned about her having a recent problem. That is a question I will ask when we have dinner with a friend who speaks Cantoneze.

Lynn and I are very pleased with her progress. She understood all of the instructions the doctors gave her today. She is able to convey her likes and dislikes easily. We are using the translator more to tell her what is happening... like "We are going to the doctor this morning and then I will take you to school." She is not a morning person but will get up and get ready for school and eat breakfast.

She likes oatmeal, cold cereal and sausage/egg croissants. Breakfast is our easiest meal. We had green beans and salmon patties for dinner last night and she had seconds of those things but not the potatoes. She does not like flavored yogurt, cheese or cottage cheese.

We were coming to her school as lunch was about over so I stopped and got her chicken nuggets and fries w/ Sprite at a drive-thru. She ate while I drove the last 4 miles to school. She did fine. Here I am feeding a child who has gotten car sick 3 times in the past 10 days junk food as we drive. But, today she was fine. We saved the Sprite until we stopped. Our timing was perfect. We were in her classroom about 5 mintues before the kids returned. She was just fine staying at school.

So how long does the honeymoon last? She has been an angel and so compliant and easy. She is sharing her time and space with her younger nieces and nephews (well, except for Hollie who is 14). There are 6 children in the house right now. We are doing very well. Bedtime is a bit crazy and no one is going to bed early...although I try. Stephen is still at Riley and continues on a vent. We pray for him everyday. Children are the best prayers. I wonder what she thinks life is going to be like? Does she realize the kids are just visitors or does she think this is life at our house. I will have to tell her in the translator. We are planning Friday night to be just us. I think she needs some time with Mom and Dad. Of course the kids will be back by bedtime but that will be ok. Life is good right now.

I am so excited that two of her friends are being picked up in China this week. I will add one of their blogs as a link today. We really want to keep the girls in touch. We are doing so well. I do want to keep the link to her past as well as provide a good future for her. We are so happy to have her. God is so good. Brenda


Andrea Nielsen said...

I have just found your blog and am so impressed...with your journey, with your daughter, with your committment! I adopted through AHH and remember your daughter from the list. Are you in the Lex area? would love to meet you and Allison...and I am sure Lillie would love her!

Somewhere In The Sun said...

Brenda, So glad to hear the detailed account of how Alison is doing! We did the titer too and Olivia has some immunity but not all. She also tested positive for lead but only 2 points higher than normal so there is no concern.

It sounds like Alison is adjusting well and appropriatley. I so wish that Olivia could see her again. Maybe one day at the AHH reunion!

I LOVE seeing the pictures of her smiling!


Waitingfaithfully said...

Thanks so much for the update,it sounds like Alison is doing great. Bless your heart, you have so much going on. . . Praying that God would heal your little Stephen, and that He would keep you ALL in His care.

With love,