Friday, February 1, 2008

A trip to ZhuHai

Here are some pictures of our trip to the orphanage.

The first is in front of the orphanage where the display of adoption children is.
The symbol of ZhuHai is the lady holding the pearl over her head. Zhu Hai means Pearl Sea. Boy was it cold out there.

Alison is no different than other girls--she loves french fries with LOTS of ketchup. And like other girls, including Ma Ma, she likes to shop.

Next is in the van, before she got car sick. She wasn't green yet.

The next is for you Sue, here is Alison with Ai Li.

That is followed with a few other photos of some of the children who will be adopted. They wouldn't let us include any who weren't being adopted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brenda - your heart shines through with your every post. Your posts are funny, loving and just wonderful. We've giggled several times at how quickly Alison's picking up this whole shopping concept!! Thank you for taking the time to share Ai Li with us here. This photo is something we've been craving since we read that both you and Kirsten have seen her - and we thank you with everything we've got for doing this. Based on your great descriptions of places, we now have even more targeted areas to visit. I do so hope that I can do the group justice through my blog, just as you are. We sit on this side of the world living vicariously through you - and are filled with hope. Your family is a blessing to us all.