Thursday, January 10, 2008

How we got started...

Our path to adoption didn't start with the idea of raising another child. We do have lots of children in our lives. It started in 2000. Lynn wanted to go on vacation to China of all places. China was one of the last places in the world I wanted to go to. But he found a tour that we could join. I figured if we stayed in 4 & 5 star hotels and we paid all of that money that 1) they couldn't lose us 2) the food would be tolerable. I fell in love with the charm of old world China. We heard about the one child policy and that there are many orphans in China.

In 2005 Lynn and I went to a Home School conference with our daughter Tammie. It was an all day seminar and there were many learning sessions. As I looked at the brochure, I saw a session on the plight of orphans in China. The session was with Tony Brewer, co-founder of A Helping Hand Adoption Agency of Kentucky. I thought I would go hear more about the children of China.

As I heard the stories of the orphans, I felt the heart tug. I heard myself saying inside, I can do something. I have the heart. I have the finances. I have the desire. I have the room. I can make the difference in at least one child's life. When asked why I went to the session, I just said we were going to adopt from China.

Lynn had other ideas. He wanted to do ministry and encourage others to make a difference. So, in July of 2005, we joined a Friendship Team (A Helping Hand mnistry) and went to northwest China where we spent a week with children. I, of course, felt a burning desire to adopt the girl I was with. After prayer, Lynn came to the same place. We started procedings to adopt Xiu Xiu (a 9 year old with eye deformities and poor vision). We were told she would be added to the adoption program. After more than a year, we were told to stop waiting. For some unknown reason, the orphanage decided she would not be included in the program.

In July 2007, we went again to China on a Friendship Team and again were convicted that we should adopt a child. AHH matched us with our Zhu Ai Zhen (Alison) in September.


This is Lynn, Brenda's DH. It's been an exciting journey over the last 2 years. My head keeps telling me it is crazy to adopt at our stage of life. But my heart keeps convincing me it is the right thing.

I still wish we could have adopted Xiu Xiu, and Jay also. From our 2007 trip there are 4 I would adopt in a heartbeat. We can never make these children our legal children, but they will always be our spiritual sons and daughters. I think of them and pray for them often.

If you ever think about adopting a child but your head tells you to stop, just go visit the children. Just spend a few days with the children who have nothing but need everything. Then let your heart decide.

So, as it turns out, God has given us both desires--to adopt and to help even more children. We're off to China. But I don't think it will be our last trip.

January 11, 2008 7:12 AM

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